Connecticut State Court Judges Adopt Electronic Discovery Rules

Connecticut state court judges recently adopted new electronic discovery rules.  The rules will become part of the Connecticut Practice Book for civil discovery and take effect on January 2, 2012.   The judges present at the annual meeting unanimously adopted the new electronic discovery rules. You can read the new e-discovery rules here.  I removed the sections not relevant to civil […]

Connecticut Civil Procedure – A Law Clerk’s Perspective

Corey Dennis, a former Superior Court clerk in Connecticut, sent me an article he recently published on Connecticut civil procedure.  I am posting the article,  "Roadmap to Connecticut Procedure" (download here), with the permission of the Connecticut Bar Journal and Corey.  The article brings the perspective of a Law Clerk who was involved with the procedural […]

Complex Litigation Docket For Business Disputes In Connecticut

The Complex Litigation Docket or “CLD” is a special session of the Connecticut Superior Court  designed to accommodate the needs of complex cases.  The Judicial Branch published a fact sheet about the CLD.   Here is a summary of the CLD facts: Designed for cases with intricate legal issues, multiple parties, or significant damages; A single judge […]

Did A Secretary Cause A Billion Dollar Default Judgment Against PepsiCo?

Imagine your company is so busy preparing for a board meeting that a secretary sets aside paperwork from a recently served lawsuit for a billion dollars over trade secrets.  Imagine further that your company bureaucracy fails to put it together that a lawsuit has been filed until such a time that your company becomes defaulted in the case, to the tune […]

Withdrawn Negligence Defense In Rape Case Could Still Be A Problem

After making national news, Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa has requested that its attorneys withdraw a special defense in a case involving a rape in its hotel parking garage.  In 2006, a 40 year old woman was sexually assaulted in front of her two small children in the hotel’s garage.  The assailant admitted the crime […]

Connecticut State Court To Phase In Mandatory E Filing

The Connecticut Judicial Branch will implement mandatory electronic filing in Connecticut state superior courts in all civil cases by December 5, 2009.  The Judicial Branch is also going paperless for short calendar and notices will no longer be sent by paper in the mail (unless the firm or litigant is exempt) starting September 1, 2009. […]

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